What if writing could be easy?


"The Write Habit Planner

- Free Ebook Version" 


For academics, entrepreneurs, and busy authors and who need a daily writing habit

Get your free ebook:
"Your planner is too good for a freebie!"

Scott Proposki, author & business coach

"I increased my productivity four-fold!"

Prof Sarah Smith, academic

"Start using the planner and find easier ways to write every single week."

Greg McKeown, best-selling author of Essentialism

Imagine yourself 12 months from now. You have published all your articles, books, and any writing project on your list. And it was easy, too!

Here's how the planner helps:

Plan your writing year based on your Future Self vision.

Break down big projects into manageable action points.

Plan 52 weeks of writing and track your progress.

Ready to make an even bigger impact with your writing in the next 12 months?


Download the free e-book, review the past year, plan your big vision & kick-start the next 12 months!