Welcome to the 90-Day Writing Accelerator:


Finish your writing project and advance your career 


The 90-Day Writing Accelerator has helped 100+ writers *finally* get a project to the finish line AND build a skill that accelerates their career forever.

Stop overthinking.
Start writing productively.

Enrolment is closed! 

Is the 90-Day Writing Accelerator for you?


  • You're can't find the time to write.
  • You don't have anybody keeping you accountable to get to the finish line
  • Something keeps getting you stuck

In this program, you WILL take consistent action, overcome obstacles, and complete your project in 90 days. 


Join 15 committed writers ready to go "all in" on their writing with 90 days of structured support, coaching, and accountability.

What previous clients achieved:

Camilla Lindholm


The program helped me get more confident and build a sustainable writing habit! 

I finished an article and started another projectvery pleased and happy with the program! Will attend again!

Katrina Perehudoff

Assistant Professor

Before the program, I struggled to make my book a priority. The course helped me to plan my writing and set better boundaries - and the community helped me stay on track! I've completed 17,000 words! I feel like I’ve taken control of my future as an academic writer.

Anna Spadavecchia

Senior Lecturer

The ‘90-Day Accelerator’ is an excellent programme. It marked a turning point in my approach to academic writing. Following the steps, I met my 90-day writing goal and submitted my journal article, despite being very busy. I really loved the programme! 

Jutta Tobias Mortlock

Senior Lecturer & Consultant

My relationship with writing has changed completely. I thought I’d never get a paper written that I had been agonizing over for years. I learned how valuable it is to have a coach who walks through each step, and works out what mental reframes and exercises help whenever you feel stuck. My paper is now published!

Elisabeth Yang

Research Fellow

I struggled with trying to keep going and burning the morning, afternoon, and midnight oil, and being ridden with guilt. This program has helped me to gain a mindfulness and a sense of calm, motivation, and focus. I submitted 2 articles, 5 conference abstracts, and gained greater confidence!

Diana Popa

Post-Doctoral Researcher

Nicole’s program provided me with clarity and a deeper self-understanding as a writer. I often struggle with feeling overwhelmed, losing focus, and overthinking my writing. Now, I plan more effectively and give myself time for recovery!



Most Blocked Writers Face the Same 7 Problems 


# 1: No time to write: Your writing always comes last

# 2: No accountability: Without deadlines, you procrastinate

 # 3: Lack of focus: You have no headspace to concentrate and find flow

# 4: No daily habit: You lack routines and keep loosing time

# 5: Ineffective writing: You reserve writing time, and do something else

# 6: Other obligations: You're overwhelmed and burned out

# 7: Perfectionism: You rather procrastinate than face the fear of 'bad' writing


In the 90-Day Accelerator, you will eliminate these problems—one by one.


Enrolment closed.

How we help you finish your project in 90 days: 

12-Step "Write Habit" Blueprint 

(Value: £4500)


You apply my proven productivity framework and start writing from week 1 of the program.

  • 12x weekly game-changing trainings (15-20min) to build your writing system and take action on your project
  • 12x audio version to listen pod-cast style
  • 12x planning sheets, workbooks & actionable homework
  • 12x meditative visualisations to rewire your subconscious for flow


Trainings released each Monday, right into your inbox.

Get Coached and Remove Your Blocks 

(Value: £5000)


You get deep coaching to overcome resistance and blocks fast - you'll see the effects of live coaching within days!

  • 6x expert live coaching (60min)
  • Overcome your resistance and get excited to write again
  • Review your progress at the end of each week (your coach will nudge you) 
  • Thrive with daily interaction and make massive progress


Our coaching is life-transforming and will give you new confidence as a writer. 

Guided Power Hour Writing Sessions

(Value: £2000)


Experience instant writing flow when you come to our weekly Power Hour sessions. You'll be surprised how easy writing can be!

  • Experience what it feels like to write without stopping (60min)
  • Proven flow prompts to lead you into the deep work zone, no matter how busy your day is
  • Maximum motivation without distractions - see your word count grow with each session


My Power Hours are a proven formula to generate words on the page - you only have to show up.

Daily Accountability & Community

(Value: £1500)


If you’ve struggled with a lack of deadlines, watch yourself transform into a prolific, joyful writer with a vibrant community!

  • Exclusive community platform to exchange daily goals, track your progress, and celebrate your wins! 
  • You'll get immediate help from your coach & cohort when you face an obstacle  
  • Make lifelong friends and keep writing together after the program ends


You'll be excited to show up, celebrate your wins, and cheer each other on to finish your writing.

Total 90-Day Accelerator Value: £12,500


[#1] 12-Module Curriculum (£4500 Value)


[#2] 6x Group Coaching (£5000 Value)


[#3] 6x Guided Focus Sessions (£2000 Value)


[#4] 90 days of Community & Accountability (£1500 Value)


But you can get access to these trainings, live coaching and daily accountability for just £3297.





[#1] The Write Habit Planner & Mini-Course, sent to you instantly when you book your spot!  


[#2] Membership in my Never Alone writer's community with 8x extra Power Hours to write together.



This premium, hands-on program has only 15 places.


Right now, 3 places are left (and the price goes up in 2025)



Imagine what could you finish in 90 days with the right support!


Your results within the first week: 

  • Goal Clarity:
    Identify your top writing goals for 2024 and do in 90 days what would take you months! 
  • Proven Roadmap: 
    Work from a realistic, manageable 90-day time plan 
  • Future Self Statement:
    Live from your Future Self vision instead of your overblown to-do list

Your 90-day outputs:

  • Project Boost:
    You've made massive progress on your book, article or other writing goals 
  • Your 10X Writing System:
    You have built, tested and refined your personal writing system for long-term success as a productive writer
  • Lifelong Community:
    You have made lifelong connections with likeminded writers to support each other going forward


What previous participants achieved:


Sarah Smith


I have made far more progress in three months than I did over the previous year. I’ve increased my writing productivity four-fold. Key were the daily goal setting and making time for weekly reflection, always focusing on the wins.

Talal Mohammad

 International Consultant

Finding Nicole has been one of the best things I’ve done since I signed my book contract. I was struggling for days just staring at the screen. Ina few months, I have managed to write over 30.000 words! The book is published now!

Diana Bolsinger

Assistant Professor

I have submitted a paper and a book review thanks to the new energy and structure I have gained from the program! The course doesn't just focus on writing itself, but teaches how to structure and manage our time, refine goal-setting, and more!

Brajesh Bajpaj

Executive Coach

My thesis was stuck for over 18 months. During the 90 days, my writing and habits evolved beyond my imagination! The life transformation that accompanied it was nothing short of magic.

I have told a number of people that if not for the 90-Day Accelerator my thesis would never have gotten written.

Kate Pangbourne


I was finding it hard to complete my book and papers that I could ‘never get to’. Nicole helped me to articulate the issues that were getting in my way - and then I could make a plan! I submitted the book, a paper, and got promoted! It has been transformative for my writing and professional confidence.

Laura Davies


I was chronically stuck with my book and felt despair as I could not work out a way forward. Nicole was brilliant and introduced me to strategies that helped. I completed a chapter and an article, and rebuilt my confidence! 

I highly recommend Nicole!


Apply a 12-Step Framework 

to Build a Productive Writing System With These Modules:


About Dr Nicole Janz


Like you, I struggled with overwhelm and procrastination in my 20 years as a journalist, academic, and now coach and entrepreneur.

The pressure to prove myself and squeeze writing into the evenings led to panic attacks and burnout.

But... the lowest point in my life helped me figure out a new way to write.

I learned that systems, solid habits and routines are key to write regularly, and I've used this framework to coach hundreds of writers to publication success!

What would YOU publish with a writing system that works?

Join us at the 90-Day Writing Accelerator to become a productive writer and stop wasting your time!

Ready To Finish Your Project in 90 Days?


...And Never Feel Like You Can't Write—Ever Again



This program has only 15 places, 14 are already taken.


Enrolment closes September 9th at 8pm BST.


After that, you have to wait until 2025 to work with me (and the price will go up).



Now, the question is...


Will you take action and finish in 90 days what would otherwise take you the whole year?

Enrolment Closed - Get on the Waitlist

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